We Help Transformational Coaches & Speakers Attract High-Ticket Clients From Speaking and Events

Personalized coaching that takes the complexity out of marketing and helps you build a highly profitable business around your gifts

Reach a New Level Of Confidence

Run A Filled Program that is Your "Profit Center"

Discover A Proven System That Works

The Biggest Mistakes That Transformational Coaches Make That Cost Them Clients and Sales

Can You Relate with Any Of These?

You want get it in front of more people… but most marketing strategies you try don’t work!

Speaking is the most effective way to get clients, so why aren’t you doing more of it?

Love your 1-1 clients but ready to make a bigger impact and income with your gifts?

What if you could launch a high-ticket evergreen group program in the next 30 days (and know it would fill itself?)

Tired of your message not landing and trying to scream harder in an over-crowded market place?

Find Your X-factor and stand out with a message that gets heads to turn and leads to book calls with you

Headshot of Sean

I get it. I've been there myself.

Sean D Stewart | Speaker, Sell From Stage Expert and High-Ticket Enrollment Specialist

Growing a highly aligned, profitable and impactful coaching business is not for the faint of heart. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. I tell people all the time: "Coaching isn’t a profession, it’s a BUSINESS MODEL"! This means that this business is moldable in any direction you want. What brings you alive? What is your ultimate vision? Anything is possible in your coaching coaching. But with creative license come responsibility. Doing this requires courage, a strong mindset, willingness to constantly build new skills and a commitment blaze your own path. You must innovate, claim the model that serves your ideal lifestyle and step into your one-of-a-kind voice and message. You will need to give up many of old habits and patterns that have been holding you back and move from practitioner to CEO. For most people, that’s not something they are willing to do. They stay stuck in old systems, charging per hour, customizing everything and letting their clients dictate the decisions they make. But not you. You are a leader and already to break-through to the next level.

In order to build a business that not only survives but thrives in this current landscape it’s not just about doing the right things. It’s about doing things IN THE RIGHT SEQUENCE. If you follow the steps in the right order, you’ll jump leaps and bounds ahead of the others in your space… many who are guessing their way to success. That’s why it’s so important to find the right mentor and community and follow someone who has the business, lifestyle and value that match your vision. I’ve been through a lot in my 13 years as a coach and and I’m proud to say I’ve figured out how build a highly profitable business around my gifts and talents and I’d love to show you the way to turn your dreams into concrete reality!

Signature Coaching Program

Ready to attract high-ticket clients weekly using speaking, stages and live events?

If you’re a transformational coach who gets results for their clients, and you’re tired of marketing strategies that don’t work for you… I’d like to introduce your to my Impact Elevation program. In this highly effective, proven 12-week experience, I’ll personally guide you through the path of charting your message and offer, attracting consistent clients from stage and standing out as an authority in your space.

We’ll reverse engineer your 12 month goals into clear monthly and weekly actions that make achieving them inevitable. We’ll help you launch high converting events and workshops and rock stages with a powerful signature talk so that you can attract new leads and fill your group programs with perfect fit customers. This will lay the groundwork for you to scale your business to 6-figures and beyond fast. When you add to this mindset up-leveling that underpin the break-throughs of this program, you will experience major results that once seemed out of your reach. To get more details and apply for one of the few spots remaining, click the button below.

How Does It Work?

3 Simple Steps to Attract 4-10 High Ticket Clients a Month Even if You Have No List or Following​

Book Your 100K speaker game plan call here

Click the button below to book your 100K Speaker Game Plan call

A crystal clear game plan

Define an inspiring workshop idea and marketing plan so you can attract 4-10 new clients this month

Get feedback on your topic and offer

Gain total confidence and clarity on how to ensure your next talk is built to convert

Image of the 1-Page Hybrid Group Program Launch Checklist

Free Download

1-Page Hybrid Group Program Launch Checklist and Training

The Proven Process to Replace Your 1-on-1 and DFY Services with a “Rolling Enrollment” Group Program that Generates 30K+ in Monthly Revenue in only 90-minutes of Client Delivery Per Week!

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