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Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed, Overworked and Underpaid?

It's Time We Turn That Around

After working with hundreds of transformational coaches, serviced based entrepreneurs and online business owners, I’ve seen the same pattern emerge time and again. You want to spend your time transforming lives but you don’t have enough clients coming in so you’re forced to focus on marketing, which you hate. Or you love doing the deep work with your 1-on-1 clients but you know you’ll never make the impact you’re here for if you don’t leverage your business into group programs and courses. The truth is as a business owner you’re forced to wear many hats and some of them simply don’t fit you. But that doesn’t mean those jobs (of that role) don’t need to get done. They do. So what’s the solution? Sometimes business feels impossible. You could feel trapped by it. And you might even (at times) dream of going back to simplicity of a working a day job! I’ve seen it and I understand it. The struggle is real.

But deep down you know that’s not an option. You know that if you’re going to get to the 6 or 7-figure level that you have to step it up as a leader, improve your mindset, hire support and create systems that the pressure off of you. But how? Where to begin? The first step is to admit you’re open and ready for a new plan to be revealed, because as the y say: When the student is ready, the reacher appears. The reason you have been struggling in your business isn’t because you aren’t smart enough or capable enough to figure it out. It’s simply because you haven’t been given the roadmap get from where you are now to where you want to be. You havent been given the proven steps in the right sequence to make it inevitable you rise to the that next version of who you are in business. Moving away from the solo-prenuer… are you ready to step into the role of CEO?

Introducing Impact Elevation. Double your revenue in 90 days without working harder

In case you’re new to me, my name is Sean D Stewart. I’m a speaker and high-ticket sales mentor for transformational coaches and online entrepreneurs. For the past 13 years I’ve helped thousands of student attract more customers and generate more revenue using events and group programs. And as a result of my successful track record, I’ve been brought on by top 7 and 8 figure leaders in the coaching space like Les Brown, Marisa Murgitroyd, JJ Version, Ted McGrath, Lisa Sasevich and many more.

But my journey didn’t start on a high note. I’ve been through a lot to get to where I am today as a successful business owner. You see, I’m an artist by nature. My father is a an Academy Nominated screenwriter and I spend the first 20 years of my adult life pursuing my creative passions of spoken word poetry, songwriting and performing conscious hip hop music on stages. When I started my business in 2010, I didnt have a clue about what it would take for me succeed.

Luckily I had an accountability partners from my coach training program who pushed me to use live speaking as a way to get clients. My background as a performer made this a great fit for me. I jumped out the gate in my first few months of business and booked myself with speaking opportunities left and right.

I didn’t know what I was doing, but as a byproduct of getting my message in front of live audiences, and leveraging the communities of people who already had audiences to speak to, I was able to fill my practice with 26 clients fast. Now, while it thrilled me to no longer work a day job and have real paying clients… the truth was I was overworking and completely overwhelmed. And because I was new in the game I was severely undercharging too. I joke that my calendar looked like Tetris.

After a while I stopped feeling happy about my results and started feeling immense frustration because this was not the reason I started my business. I got into this to make a major impact on many lives and create a great living so that I could be freed up to do what I love. Instead I was slaving away in a hot office, conducing call after call and barely making enough money to make ends meet.

So what was my solution? Throw myself into more trainings courses and coaching programs… study everything I could find about how to leverage my time and scale. I studied how to created courses, do product launches, master email marketing, video marketing, copywriting and more. It taught me a lot but it took so much time and energy from me that my clients started drying up and suddenly I was in a bad spot again and looking for a day job to keep me afloat. I got really depressed.

Finally something shifted. I went to a live event and had a conversation with a highly successful mentor that changed everything for me. I told him things weren’t working out for me and that I wanted a business like his and he asked me something I’ll never forget.

He said "What have you down that worked?" And I said "speaking and utilizing partners to help me fill those events".

He said, "Why don’t you keep doing that?" I Said "Because I burnt out and wasn’t making enough money."

He said, "You have the right marketing system, you just need to fix your delivery model".

This was such a break-through for me because it helped me see that I was on-course from the start. I should never have gotten off that course. Instead I just needed to improve my client delivery system.

Fast forward over 10 years from that day and now I have the business I never dreamt was possible when I started. I have time freedom every week and I simultaneously make a massive impact on many lives through group coaching programs, courses and free trainings. I charge premium prices and attract incredible clients I love. I get to share my message on stages every month and my marketing system brings hot leads and prospects weekly. My wife and I take vacations often and we have an incredible team who supports everything element of the business so it’s stress free.

The greatest gift is that I get to be there for my 2 boys as they grow up.

And this is the exact process and system behind our Impact Elevation program. 10 years builder into a 9-step system that simply works. We’re on a mission to help transformational coaches and service based online business owners to take back their time, own their power, work only with the clients they work best with (and who pay them well) and create a highly profitable business based on their core gifts and talents. A business they love that affords them the time free to do whatever inspires them most. This is my life’s work.

For a Moment, Just Imagine...

Imagine having a clear and comprehensive roadmap to follow to achieve your business goals ever month, quarter and year. Imagine marketing systems that simply work, removed of all complexity and that are based on timeless principles. Imagine finally stepping out as a highly visible speaker, rocking stages, leveraging JV partners and hosting events that crush! Imagine owning your best self every day, making the money you want to be making, while have the time freedom you desire most.

Reach a New Level Of Confidence

What happens when you are not only hitting but exceeding your goals each month and unlocking a new level of abundance?

A Filled Program You Love to Run that is Your "Profit Center"

What if you business was highly leveraged and exceptionally profitable? Make the impact you’re here for in only 90 minutes a week.

Discover A Proven System That Works

Experience the support of a mentor and team that is 100% in your corner through thick and thin. A community that has your back.

Ready To Get Started?

At this point, you can follow one of two paths. The first one is that you continue to figure this out on your own and get support here and there (aka courses, youtube and random advice). That’s honestly the longest pathway and it’s also the most costly one. The truth is there is a measurable cost to not getting the support you need when you need it. Every month that you do things the way you have been doing them is not just only another month that your revenue stays where it is, but it’s also a month where you miss out on the revenue YOU COULD BE EARNING with the right system in place.

Or you can choose the second path.

You can choose to do something different, to stop trying to figure this out by yourself and instead follow the lead of someone who has already done the very thing you are trying to accomplish. It’s always easy to measure an investment you could make, but what’s not easy to measure massive benefits of that investment IN THE SHORT AND LONG TERM OF YOUR BUSINESS….especially when you feel in your gut that it’s the right thing for you.

If this is resonating and you feel ready to take your business to the next level, I invite you to choose the second path, click the button below, and jump on a call with someone from our team. They’ll answer any question you have and help you decide if this is the best fit for you. So click the pin below to take the first step toward a bigger, brighter future for yourself and for the ones you love.

Questions? Click here to contact us.

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