The ONE THING That Shifted Everything for My Business (It’s Not What Might You Think)

Image of Sean speaking at an event


Prior to 2020 my coaching business of 10 years was a non-stop roller coaster ride. Had some huge months. As high as 80k but I also had some low months (as low as 4k). It was harrowing. 

Then in 2020 I changed my plan. It was something so simple that I wonder how and why I overlooked it for so long. 

What was the shift? 

Focusing on hosting online event 1-2 times a month EVERY MONTH and leveraging JVs Partners as my MAIN TRAFFIC SOURCE. 

My first event with this strategy in place did 40K. 

That’s from just 1 event!  

Then I turned the heat up on my social media marketing and started being consistent on my content, increasing my DM convos and tracking my stats!

These 2 fixes literally doubled my monthly revenue overnight and forever ended my revenue roller coaster ride (phew! Glad thats over!)

Prior to this, I’d literally tried everything under the sun to end this up and down. Then I realized the ONE THING I hadn’t been (up till that point):


Why was it so hard to be consistent up till then?

One word: SYSTEMS.

It’s not always about ones determination or ‘willingness to ‘do whatever it takes’. Because I had that going for me.

It’s often more about the BROKEN SYSTEMS we have in place that make simple things like getting a online workshop up, or having a weekly social media marketing process…

Way harder than they need to be.

So believe when I say: If I can become consistent on event and social media to double my revenue… YOU 100% CAN TOO.

The other part of this breakthrough that thrills me the most… is that all of these marketing focuses are aligned with my natural gifts and talents. 

Effective marketing isn’t about doing things you hate. It’s about leveraging your gifts and talents and bringing them to the surface MORE CONSISTENTLY.

If I boil down this shift into one idea I would say that the real switch I made was from “practitioner” to CEO.

I put the first things first.

If 2023 is the year you make a dramatic shift in your results… it’s going to start with you making your marketing more consistent.

And the easiest (in my humble opinion) is to start doing more events and to create rinse and retreat event assets that make hosting them monthly easy for you.

Rock Your Gift 

100K Speaker Game Plan Call

How would you like to get expert support on your client acquisition, enrollment strategy or next event launch directly from Sean or his team? How much more confidence and clarity would it give you to have a personalized 90-day business game plan customized for you? Spots are limited but if you are serious about adding 6-figures or more to your business this year, getting off the content treadmill and finally experiencing the growth you’ve been wanting in your business, we’ve made some spots available.

With my 100K Game Plan Session, you will meet with Sean or one of his coaching absolutely free. Typically a session like this is $300, but we’re waiving the fee for anyone who applies today.

Because of the high-touch nature of this call, there are very few spots available and if you click the button and do not see any avail, I’m sorry but w are booked up at this time. However, if you do see a spot, use the calendar provided to apply for your session now.

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